
Largest independent database for care facilities, incl. intelligent search engine

2021 - now
UX/UI-Design, Frontend, Backend, Conception
Database, Search Engine Development

Heimverzeichnis is the largest independent database for care facilities and has been one of our clients for several years. In 2020, the desire for a new appearance of the existing web presence and an expansion of functions grew. So we optimised existing structures, modernised the design and added new functions, such as the care sector-related job search.

Heimverzeichnis offers comprehensive assistance in the search for a nursing home and enables a digital assessment process. Several thousand institutional users are integrated here. In addition, Heimverzeichnis has a connection to the VDEK (Verband der Ersatzkassen). Due to the Corona pandemic, Heimverzeichnis has been expanded to include a "Corona Check".

Mr. Piksa and his team have been an excellent partner for us in IT consulting and the creation of software according to individual requirements for years.

Dr. Katrin Markus, Managing Director, Heimverzeichnis gGmbH

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